Subject: Touhou ChomeChome Manga 10 (1TG) Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:40 am
Notes: 1:47 - Remilia says shes playing "Oni-gokko" with Flandre except she replaces "Oni" with "Flan". For those that don't already know, Oni-gokko can either be localized as Hide 'n Seek or Tag. However the literal translation would be something like "Keep away from the Oni(Orge)" I don't know about you guys but when I was a kid, those 2 games always seem to be combined into 1 game.
1:52 - From now on, I'll be leaving 妹様 as Imouto-sama instead of Little sister-sama like I always have translated. I feel it rolls off the tongue better and Little Sister-sama is kinda an eyesore for me.
3:55 - Tsuchigumo can be literally translated to Spider Youkai.
5:14 - If you want to see the thing Marisa has, Google Image search "醤油チュルチュル"
5:29 - The reason Reimu says "Well now I want some soy sauce." is because 醤油(Shouyu) directly translated to Soy Sauce. This is purely a japanese product and based on what I read, it seems alot of japanese housewise buy large containers of Soy Sauce and use this hand pump to pump from the big container to smaller containers. Ofcourse It can be used for other liquids too.